Law & Order: Los Angeles
Law & Order: Los Angeles follows the same format as the original Law & Order, but with a change of address.
(Two pictures this time because I wanted to give you two angles on the woman in red with the big hair. What a distracting extra for a courtroom scene!)
The Law & Order franchise got itself a little face-lift. The first change you'll notice is the absence of the "In the criminal justice system..." opener. I miss it already. Fortunately every scene is still preceded by an address and the Law & Order bonk-bonk sound.
The pilot was maybe a little too in-your-face about the Los Angeles setting. The original is very New York, so I expected Los Angeles to have a similar sense of place. I think there might have been more subtle ways to do this than to have the first crime be about burglars robbing celebrities. The episode featured paparazzi and reality tv and even a mention of Perez Hilton. Okay, I get it. We're not in New York anymore.
Other than the change of scene, this Law & Order doesn't offer any other new bells or whistles. When Special Victims Unit and Criminal Intent premiered, I was totally on board because they were clearly something different from the original series. Los Angeles doesn't really feel different enough for me to sit up and take notice.
Bottom line, Law & Order is a strong franchise, but an old one. Don't we deserve something a little fresher?
Yes, as much as we deserve some fresh posts!